Friday, June 29, 2012

New Home

This blog has a new home and has been incorporated here at the Smart Way Reading website. We hope to see you there.

Monday, February 27, 2012

One Student Drops Out Of School Every 26 Seconds - What Can Be Done?

In 2007, at the National Governor's Association Summit it was stated that one student drops out of a US school every 29 seconds.

Three years later it was reported by CNN that the statistic as one drops out every 26 seconds.

The following year, NBA All Star LeBron James and State Farm Insurance decided to bring this startling news to more people's attention through their "26 Second" program.

What will it take before America implements exactly what needs to be done to tackle the problem? That problem being illiteracy.

With illiteracy a major cause of juvenile delinquency and crime, as reported on many fronts, it seems only natural that the primary emphasis should be to ensure that every American knows how to read proficiently.

And the most proven method to accomplish that very worthwhile goal, whether it be beginning reading instruction or remediation, is through systematic and explicit phonics instruction.

Instead of illiteracy costing taxpayers and businesses over $225 billion annually in crime, welfare payments, lost taxes, job incompetence and remedial education is it not better to increase production and income through literacy?

In 2003, the Alliance for Excellent Education stated in their report, "If literacy levels in the United States were the same as those in Sweden, the U.S. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) would rise by approximately $463 billion and tax revenues would increase by approximately $162 billion.
It is time for change. It is time to Wake Up and not only address but handle the problem.

Phonics reading methodology can, and does, change lives. But, only if it is used.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Preparing Students For The 21st Century

Preparing students for the 21st century is, quite frankly, like preparing them for any other.

They must know how to read.
If a person graduating high school does not know how to read proficiently, not at a 4th grade level, they will be unable to master most any job, let alone their life.

Reading is so fundamental to life, from being able to read a job advertisement to a car or home contract, from banking paperwork to past-due notices and more, that until America begins to properly educate students how to read all other methods of "education reform" are doomed to dismal failure, regardless of the amount of money spent in that sector.

The statistics that are continually gathered regarding how functional illiteracy affects all of society are staggering. The three worst are:
  • In the U.S. prison system over 60% of all inmates read at or below 4th grade level
  • Approximately 85% of juvenile offenders are functionally illiterate
  • Illiteracy costs taxpayers and companies over $225 billion annually in crime, welfare payments, lost taxes, job incompetence and remedial education
The solution to the problem is not rocket science, or even close.

The solution is simple. Teach students how to read, effectively and competently, through the use of systematic and explicit phonics.

Get America back to basics.

Teach children their ABC's and their 123's.
Then, and only then, will they be armed with the correct tools to complete their education and to forge a life in the 21st century and beyond.

As Frederick Douglass said, "Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."